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Title: The entry ban in aliens and criminal law

Subtitle: About this European measure and related instruments in the Netherlands

authors: mr. A. Pahladsingh / mr. JRKAM Waasdorp

Content: The entry ban is one of the instruments of the Returns Directive. This Directive establishes common standards and procedures to be applied by the Member States of the European Union when returning illegally staying third-country nationals on their territory. Implementing the Returns Directive requires a coherent approach applicable to all Member States in order to achieve an effective European return policy.​​In this issue, the authors discuss Jim Waasdorp and Aniel Pahladsingh the most recent developments regarding the entry ban in aliens and criminal law. The judgment of the EU Court in the Ouhrami case (start of the duration of the entry ban) has had far-reaching consequences for immigration law and criminal law. An analysis of these consequences is discussed in the book, among other things. Furthermore, the JZ judgment of the EU Court (criminal enforcement of the entry ban) is discussed and analyzed and the judgment of the Supreme Court showing that the criminal enforcement of the entry ban can be resumed by the Public Prosecution Service is also discussed. In addition to the entry ban, a number of related instruments are discussed, such as the return decision and the measures introduced in 2017 in the context of combating terrorism (such as the withdrawal of Dutch nationality). In addition, the authors consider new and announced (European) regulations. This standard work in the field of the entry ban is an indispensable publication for anyone involved in the return of third-country nationals residing illegally in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the European Union.

Scope: 330 pages

Price: € 47,50 (incl. VAT)

Postage costs: For orders from outside the Netherlands, a surcharge applies equal to the part of the shipping costs that exceed these costs within the Netherlands.

ISBN: 978-90-830661-4-1

NUR: 821, 823 and 824


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The entry ban in aliens and criminal law

SKU: 978-90-830661-4-1
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