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On this product page of the release:'Handbook for the dismissal practice at the UWV', you will find an overview of related documents relevant to the book. By making these documents accessible via a link, we hope to have increased the ease of use of the release.
Dismissal law has been radically changed with effect from 1 July 2015 by the Work and Security Act. If an employer wants to terminate the employment contract with the employee for business economic reasons or long-term incapacity for work, he needs permission from the UWV to do so. The dismissal practice of the UWV in this regard is the subject of this book. First of all, an outline of the history of Dutch dismissal law and an introduction to the employment contract will be discussed. Subsequently, the legally valid termination from the employer's side is treated with the reasonable grounds for dismissal, the reassignment obligation and the option of consent from the employee's side. The termination option of the employment contract is limited by the so-called termination/termination prohibitions for dismissal grounds. The procedural and formal aspects of the consent requirement are discussed below. After discussing the policy of the UWV regarding the granting of permission for commercial reasons, the policy regarding collective redundancies follows. There is also a policy on granting permission in the event of long-term incapacity for work. The book concludes with the various legal protection options regarding whether or not to grant permission.
This book aims to provide a practical manual for everyone who works in the dismissal practice and provides a good insight into the implementation of the administrative preventive test that is carried out by officials of the UWV.
About the authors
  • Dr J. (Harry) van Drongelen is an (emer.) associate professor at the Department of Social Law and Social Politics at Tilburg University and a coordinating legislative lawyer at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
  • mr. ADM (André) van Rijs is a lecturer at the Department of Private Business and Labor Law of Tilburg University.
With the collaboration of: Mrs. mr. A. (Amber) van Drongelen: employment law attorney at DAS
Laws and regulations
Here is an overview of legislation and regulations relevant to the book. By clicking on the title, you will be taken directly to the regulation
​General Old Age Law
Working Conditions Act
Working Hours Act
General Administrative Law Act
General Equal Treatment Act
Extraordinary Decree on Industrial Relations 1945
Civil Code Book 7 Title 10 Employment contract
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Young Disabled Persons Disability Insurance Act
Disability Insurance Act
Foreign Nationals Employment Act
Work and Care Act
European Works Councils Act
Act on the (re)integration of the occupationally disabled
Equal Treatment Act
Equal Treatment Act Based on Disability or Chronic Illness
Equal Treatment Act on the basis of age in employment
Work and Income by Capacity for Work Act
Collective redundancy notification law
Minimum Wage and Minimum Holiday Allowance Act
National Ombudsman Act
Normalization of the legal position of civil servants law
Works Councils Act
unemployment law
Work and Security Act
Sickness Act

Other online documents from the book
Contact with Employment Legal Services
'The re-employment condition in the event of commercial dismissal' by Bo Leeuwestein
Cover Handboek voor de ontslagpraktijk bij het UWV .jpg
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